Maqolada boʻlajak boshlangʻich sinf oʻqituvchilarini oʻquvchilar nutqini oʻstirishga metodik tayyorgarligini takomillashtirish masalalarining adabiyotlarda tahlili yoritilgan.
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Библиографические ссылки
Babayeva. D. R. Nutq oʻstirish metodikasi. 2019y, Toshkent.
A.N.Leontov, The complex of intellectual games for the development of children’s thinking and speech. Questions of Psychology. - 1990. 6.- S.
K.Obuxovskiy, Modern Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assesment. A Common European Framework of Reference. Strasbourg, 1997
Mendayakhova, K. (2009). [The scientific and methodical bases of teaching Kazakh Language using communicative speech learning] Doctoral dissertation, Almaty.
Davydov V.V. Teoriya razvivayushchego obucheniya [The theory of developmental teaching). Moscow, 1996. p. 9. (In Russian).
Zarnigor Qoʻychiyeva