Опубликован 2023-04-04



In this work, filtration and solute transport in a one-dimensional medium of fractal structure is considered.

Как цитировать

Makhmudov, J., Sulaymonov, F., Usmonov, A., & Kuljanov, J. (2023). THE PROBLEM OF ANOMALOUS FILTRATION AND SOLUTE TRANSPORT IN AN INHOMOGENEOUS POROUS MEDIUM. Журнал математики и информатики, 3(2). извлечено от https://art.jdpu.uz/index.php/matinfo/article/view/8375

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J Makhmudov

F Sulaymonov

A Usmonov

J Kuljanov

Ключевые слова:

anomalous Darcy's law, fractional derivative, solute transport, filtration, porous medium


Раздел: Articles

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