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"Mentor" scientific-educational journal

Dear readers and authors!

The scientific-educational magazine  "Mentor" was founded in 2020 on the basis of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute and is devoted to the study of problems of spiritual life, social life. The journal is included in the list of scientific journals for which the main results of the dissertation should be published. The journal mainly publishes articles on independent researchers, doctoral students, dissertations for PhD, PhD research.
The mission of the scientific-educational journal "Mentor" is to create an effective platform for scientific interaction between authors and readers. Scientific-educational magazine " Mentor" " includes the following areas: 1. Current issues of education, 2. Socio-economic, spiritual, artistic and aesthetic in ensuring the innovative activity of young people is a scientific publication that covers such issues as the defining role and importance of the ideal, 3. Priorities for the development of spiritual and moral consciousness of young people, 4. Innovative approaches to the formation of life position in young people.
The main purpose of the journal is to promote the development of science in the field of history and society by reflecting the fundamental and practical scientific achievements of Uzbek and foreign researchers. Publication is available in Uzbek, Russian and English. Link to Google Scholar databases. Publication plan - once every three months (four times a year).


Jizzakh innovative education

The scientific journal "Jizzakh innovative education" was founded in 2020 on the basis of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute and focuses on the achievements in the Education System, innovative technologies, new methods and techniques, modern research methods and current issues of Education. The Journal is included in the list of scientific journals where the main results of innovations, new methods, research, methods, scientific works and research in the system of continuing education will be published. The Journal mainly publishes teachers of Higher and Secondary Education, vocational education, secondary special education, public education, preschool education, and special schools, professors, and teachers. , independent researchers, doctoral students' articles on scientific activity are published.
The task of the scientific journal "Jizzakh innovative Education" is to publish scientific works and articles of all teachers working in the system of continuing education. The scientific journal "Jizzakh innovative education" includes the following areas:
1. Current issues of innovative education
2. The defining role and importance of socio-economic, spiritual, artistic and aesthetic ideals in ensuring the innovative activity of teachers
3. It is a scientific publication that covers issues such as achievements in the educational process, new ideas and research, innovative approaches to the presentation of modern pedagogical technologies to the general public.
The Journal deals with teachers of Higher and Secondary Education, vocational education, secondary special education, public education, preschool education, special schools, and other scientific activities. Teachers' articles will be published.
The main goal of the journal "Jizzakh innovative education" is to improve the quality of Education by creating innovations and presenting them to the general public, using the scientific achievements of fundamental and practical significance in the Education System and abroad. Publication is available in Uzbek, Russian and English languages. It is Linked to Google Scholar databases. Publication plans quarterly (four times a year).

research world

Dear readers and authors!

Journal "Research World" (Journal of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute) is a scientific-methodical journal for young research scientists (students, masters and young scientists) on the basis of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute in 2020, devoted to issues related to their research activities.

The mission of Research World is to create an effective platform for scientific collaboration between authors and students. The journal covers all aspects of our institute and publishes research papers in this area.

The main purpose of the journal is to promote the development of science by reflecting the scientific achievements of young researchers.

The magazine publishes articles in Uzbek and Russian languages.

The scientific-methodical journal "Research World" publishes articles in the following areas:
1. Mathematics and computer science;
2. Philological issues;
3. Pedagogy and psychology;
4. Preschool education;
5. Physics and technology education;
6. History;
7. Natural sciences;
8. Art history;
9. Physical culture;
10. Primary education;

This scientific-methodical journal accepts scientific publications, theses, articles of young researchers, gifted students, masters, teachers of general secondary schools, academic lyceums, professional colleges.
The publication is published every three months (4 per year).

Articles submitted to the journal can be classified under the following headings:
- Philological issues;
- History lessons;
- Pedagogical psychology;
- Physics and mathematics;
- Informatics lessons
- Art history

The period for reviewing and publishing the manuscript in the journal is 4 to 6 months.

Publication of articles is free.

The magazine is not published:
- Copyright materials previously published in other publications;
- Materials that do not correspond to the subject of the magazine;
- Articles that do not contain new information or are not related to scientific activity;
- materials with incorrect composition.

Journal of Music and Art

Уважаемые читатели и авторы!

Журнал «Art Azii»  основан в 2020 г. на базе Джизакского государтвенного педогогического Института научное рецензируемое издание, посвященное вопросам искуствоведении. Журнал включен в перечень рецензируемых научных изданий , в которых должны быть опубликованы основные результаты диссертаций на соискание ученой степени кандидата наук, на соискание ученой степени доктора наук.

Миссия издания «Art Azii” состоит в создании эффективной площадки для научного взаимодействия авторов и читателей. Научный журнал «Art Azii» – рецензируемое научное издание, освещающее вопросы искуств - музики и изобразительного искусствf, а также фундаментальных исследований искусствоведения. Адресуется преподавателям, научным сотрудникам, базовым докторантам, магистрантам и студентам  институтов искуств, университетов и научных организаций.

Главной целью журнала является содействие развитию науки в области искусств посредством отражения фундаментальных и практически значимых научных достижений узбекских и зарубежных исследователей. Языки публикаций – русский, английский, узбекский. Цитируется в базах Google Scholar. Периодичность выхода – раз в шесть месяца (2 номера в год).

Журнал публикует статьи как на узбекском, русском, так и на английском языке. Периодичность выхода – раз в шесть месяца (2 номера в год).

Journal of Preschool Education

The purpose of the journal. The main purpose of the journal is to promote the development of pre-school education by reflecting the fundamental and practical scientific achievements of researchers in the field of preschool education.The journal publishes articles in Uzbek, Russian and English.

Journal of Natural Sciences

Dear readers and authors!

The journal The Journal of Natural Sciences was founded in 2020 on the basis of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, a scientific peer-reviewed publication dedicated to the issues of Natural Sciences. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the main results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of science, for the degree of doctor of sciences must be published.General Provisions

The author's material (manuscript of an article) proposed for publication must be original, not published earlier in other publications and thematically correspond to the profile of the journal (Natural Sciences).

Of greatest interest are articles that contain theoretical, hypothetical, methodological, predictive and practical components, taking into account advanced foreign experience. Research is welcome that not only expresses the expert opinion of a scientist in the form of theoretical theses, but also ensures their reliability and validity with primary and secondary data.

The decision on the inconsistency of the article with formal requirements can be made by the Editorial Board of the journal on the basis of initial consideration.

The mission of the Journal of Natural Sciences is to create an effective platform for scientific interaction between authors and readers. The scientific journal "Journal of Natural Sciences" is a scientific publication containing research in the field of chemistry, biology and geography .. Addressed to teachers, researchers, basic doctoral students, undergraduates and students of institutes, universities and scientific organizations.

The main goal of the journal is to promote the development of science in the field of chemistry, biology and geography, reflecting the fundamental and important practical scientific achievements of Uzbek and foreign researchers. The journal publishes articles in both Uzbek, Russian and English. Frequency of publication - once every three months (4 issues per year). Cited in Google Scholar databases

Journal of History and society

                                          “HISTORY AND SOCIETY” public electronic journal

                                                                      Founded in 2020.

Topic: "Topical issues of history, archeology, ethnography", Philosophy and social development; Innovative approaches in teaching social sciences and humanities.



                                                        Dear  readers and authors!

The journal "History and Society" was founded in 2020 on the basis of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute. Scientific peer-reviewed publication dedicated to the issues of history and society .. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences should be published , for the degree of Doctor of Science.

The mission of “History and Society “ is to create an effective platform for scientific interaction between authors and readers. The scientific journal "History and Society" is a peer-reviewed scientific publication covering issues Modern approaches to teaching methods of the humanities, topical issues of teaching methods of the humanities: problems and solutions, theoretical issues of history and humanities. Addressed to teachers, researchers, PhD, undergraduates and students of pedagogical institutes, universities and scientific organizations.

The main goal of the journal is to promote the development of science in the field of history and society by reflecting the fundamental and practically significant scientific achievements of Uzbek and foreign researchers. The languages ​​of publications are Russian, English, Uzbek. Cited in Google Scholar databases. The frequency of publication is once every six months (2 issues per year).

The journal publishes articles in  uzbek, russian and english. The frequency of publication is once every six months (2 issues per year).



A.G. Sheremetyeva, Ph. D., Professor, national University of Uzbekistan

S.E. Kamilova, Ph. D., Professor, national University of Uzbekistan

Z.D. Pardayeva, Ph. D., Professor, Jizzakh state pedagogical Institute

D.D. Khodzhimetova Ph. D. associate Professor, Jizzakh state pedagogical Institute

O.A. Kim Ph. D. associate Professor, Jizzakh state pedagogical Institute

Contact information

Editor in chief scientific publications Nurmanov Abdunazar Tashbaevich

Phone number: +998 97 522 56 65

Editor of the scientific publication Hasanov Eldar Rinatovich

Phone number: +998 93 304 13 65

Chief technical editor of a scientific publication  Azimova Elvina Abdulhakovna

Phone number: +998 97 641 69 91

Адрес редакции

100138 Узбекистан, Джизак, ул. Ш. Рашидова, 4

Е-mail: или

Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health

Уважаемые читатели и авторы!

«Физическое воспитание, спорт и здоровье» (Физическое воспитание и здоровье человека) были рассмотрены Джизакским государственным педагогическим институтом, факультетом физической культуры, методикой преподавания спорта и теоретическими и научными экспертами физической культуры.

Функция журнала. Миссия журнала «Физическое воспитание, спорт и здоровье» - создать эффективную площадку для научного сотрудничества авторов и студентов. Современные подходы к обучению физической культуре, спортивному воспитанию с учетом специализации журнала; Актуальные вопросы физического воспитания, спортивной методики: проблемы и пути решения.

Цель журнала. Основная цель журнала - способствовать развитию физического воспитания и педагогической науки, отражая фундаментальные и практически важные научные достижения исследователей в области физического воспитания и физической культуры.

В журнале публикуются статьи на узбекском, русском и английском языках.

В журнале «Физическая культура, спорт и здоровье» публикуются статьи по следующим направлениям:

1) Современные подходы к обучению физическому воспитанию, спортивному воспитанию;

    2) Актуальные вопросы физической культуры, спортивные методы: проблемы и пути решения.

   3) Теоретические вопросы физической культуры, спорта.

 4) Педагогика физической культуры и спорта

 5) Физическая культура и спортивная психология

 6) Принимаются научно-методические статьи в области физической культуры, спортивной физиологии, гигиены и медицины.

В научно-популярный журнал принимаются результаты научной работы, диссертации, статьи профессоров, исследователей, докторантов, магистров и преподавателей общеобразовательных школ, академических лицеев, профессиональных колледжей.


Journal of Physics and technology education

Dear readers and authors!

The scientific journal "Physics and Technology Education" was founded in 2020 on the basis of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, a scientific peer-reviewed publication devoted to the issues of physics, astronomy, technological education and professional education. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the main results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of science, for the degree of doctor of sciences should be published.

The mission of the scientific journal "Physics and Technology Education" is to create an effective platform for scientific interaction between authors and readers. The scientific journal "Physics and Technology Education" includes the following areas:

1.Topical issues of physics, astronomy, technology education, vocational education.

2.The effectiveness of research in physics and technology education.

3.Innovative approaches in teaching physics, astronomy, technology education in higher education, general secondary education, vocational education.

The results of scientific work, theses, articles of professors, researchers, graduate students, masters, students and teachers of general education schools, academic lyceums, professional colleges are accepted to this scientific-popular journal.

The main goal of the journal is to promote the development of science in the field of physics and technology education by reflecting the fundamental and practical significant scientific achievements of Uzbek and foreign researchers.The languages ​​of publications are Russian, English, Uzbek. Cited in Google Scholar databases. Frequency of publication - once every three months (4 issues per year)

Journal of mathematics and computer science

Dear readers and authors!

The journal Mathematics and informatics in education was founded in 2020 on the basis of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, a scientific peer-reviewed publication devoted to mathematics and informatics. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the main results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of science, for the degree of doctor of science, under number .... The mission of the publication "Mathematics and informatics in education" is to create an effective platform for scientific interaction between authors and readers. The scientific journal "Mathematics and informatics in education" is a scientific publication dedicated to fundamental and methodological research. An appeal to teachers, researchers, specialized doctoral students, students of pedagogical universities, universities and scientific organizations, practitioners.


The main goal of the journal is to promote the development of science in the field of mathematics and computer science, reflecting the fundamental and practical scientific achievements of Uzbek and foreign researchers. The languages ​​of publications are Russian, English, Uzbek. Cited in Google Scholar databases. Frequency of publication - once every three months (4 issues per year).

The journal publishes articles in both Uzbek, Russian and English. Frequency of publication - once every three months (4 issues per year).

Journal of Pedagogy and psychology in modern education

The scientific journal "Pedagogy and Psychology in Modern Education" was created in 2020 on the basis of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute and is dedicated to scientific achievements and sentinel practical problems of pedagogy and psychology in the modern educational process. This journal accepts articles in the following areas: - 13.00.01 Pedagogical theory. History of pedagogical education - 13.00.02 Theory and methods of education and upbringing (by industry) - 13.00.03 Special pedagogy - 13.00.07 Management in education - 19.00.01 History and theory of psychology. General psychology. Personality psychology - 19.00.03 psychology of human professional activity (name) - 19.00.04 Medical and special psychology - 19.00.05 Social psychology. Ethnopsychology - 19.00.06 Developmental and educational psychology. Developmental psychology

Innovations in primary education

Dear readers and authors!

The journal "Innovations in primary education" was founded in 2020 on the basis of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, a scientific peer-reviewed publication dedicated to the issues of primary education. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the main results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences, for the degree of doctor of sciences must be published.


The mission of the publication "Innovations in primary education" is to create an effective platform for scientific interaction between authors and readers. The scientific journal "Innovation in primary education" is a peer-reviewed scientific publication covering the issues of Modern approaches to primary education, topical issues of primary education methodology: problems and solutions, theoretical issues of primary education. Addressed to teachers, researchers, basic doctoral students, undergraduates and students of pedagogical institutes, universities and scientific organizations.


The main goal of the journal is to promote the development of science in the field of primary education by reflecting the fundamental and practically significant scientific achievements of Uzbek and foreign researchers. The languages ​​of publications are Russian, English, Uzbek. Cited in Google Scholar databases. Frequency of publication - once every three months (4 issues per year).


The journal publishes articles in both Uzbek, Russian and English. Frequency of publication - once every three months (4 issues per year).

Journal of Horizons of philologiy

Уважаемые читатели и авторы!

Журнал Horizons of philology основан в 2020 г. на базе Джизакского государтвенного педогогического Института научное рецензируемое издание, посвященное вопросам филологии. Журнал включен в перечень рецензируемых научных изданий , в которых должны быть опубликованы основные результаты диссертаций на соискание ученой степени кандидата наук, на соискание ученой степени доктора наук, под номером ....

Миссия издания «Horizons of philology”состоит в создании эффективной площадки для научного взаимодействия авторов и читателей. Научный журнал «Horizons of philology» – рецензируемое научное издание, освещающее вопросы медицины, профилактики а также фундаментальных исследований. Адресуется преподавателям, научным сотрудникам, базовым докторантам, магистрантам и студентам медицинских институтов, университетов и научных организаций, врачам практического здравоохранения.

Главной целью журнала является содействие развитию науки в области филологии посредством отражения фундаментальных и практически значимых научных достижений узбекских и зарубежных исследователей. Языки публикаций – русский, английский, узбекский. Цитируется в базах Google Scholar. Периодичность выхода – раз в три месяца (4 номера в год).

Журнал публикует статьи как на узбекском, русском, так и на английском языке. Периодичность выхода – раз в три месяца (4 номера в год).

Journal of Foreign Languages and Linguistics


Established: 2020

Subject: Foreign Philology and Linguistics

Journal of Foreign Languages and Linguistics - on the basis of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, the Faculty of Foreign Languages, devoted to the issues of philology, methodology and linguistics of foreign languages, reviewed by scientific experts.

The function of the Journal. The task of the Journal of Foreign Languages and Linguistics is to create an effective platform for scientific collaboration between authors and students. Considering the specialization of the journal, it consists of the publication of works related to research on the theory, methodology and practice of foreign philology, linguistics.

The purpose of the Journal. The main purpose of the journal is to promote the development of the science of foreign language philology and linguistics by reflecting the fundamental and practically important scientific achievements of Uzbek and foreign researchers.

The Journal publishes articles in Uzbek, Russian and English.

The Journal of Foreign Languages and Linguistics publishes articles in the following areas:

  1. Issues of linguistics, literature and intercultural communication

  2. Modern trends in language research

  3. Methods of teaching foreign languages in the XXI century

  4. XXI century skills in language teaching and learning

  5. Psychological bases of learning a foreign language

The results of scientific work, theses, articles of professors, researchers, graduate students, masters and teachers of general education schools, academic lyceums, professional colleges are accepted to this scientific-popular journal.

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